Ready & Prepared Award
The BSA Ready & Prepared Award was developed to encourage and reward Boy Scout troops, Varsity Scout teams, and Venturing crews that incorporate safe practices while enjoying challenging activities.
Keep America Beautiful Inc. Hometown U.S.A. Award
The Hometown U.S.A. Award is a joint program between Keep America Beautiful Inc. (KAB) and the Boy Scouts of America. It is designed to give recognition to the outstanding efforts of Scouts in their communities in regard to citizenship and environmental improvement.
Emergency Preparedness BSA
The emergencies of today’s world demand more than ever that our young people and adults be trained as individuals and as units to meet emergency situations. This program fosters skills in our youth and adult members so that they can participate effectively in this crucial service to their families, communities, and nation.
The Merit Badge Program
The merit badge program, which provides opportunities for youth to explore more than a hundred fields of skill and knowledge, plays a key role in the fulfillment of Scouting’s educational commitment.
U.S. Army Youth Certificate of Recognition
Scouts who achieve the rank of Eagle are entitled to receive the U.S. Army Youth Certificate of Recognition at their Court of Honor ceremony.
Unit Leader Award of Merit.
The Unit Leader Award of Merit replaces the Scoutmaster, Varsity Team Coach, and Venturing Crew Advisor award of merit programs. This new recognition has revised requirements and may be earned by Cubmasters as well.
Silver Antelope Award
The Boy Scouts of America, acting through the National Court of Honor, may award the Silver Antelope to registered Scouters of exceptional character in our region for distinguished service to youth. Nominations are made annually by the regional executive committee based upon recommendations by the Volunteer Recognitions Committee.
Silver Beaver Award
The Silver Beaver Award is the council-level distinguished service award of the Boy Scouts of America. Recipients of this award are registered adult leaders who have made an impact on the lives of youth through service given to the council.The Silver Beaver is an award given to those who implement the Scouting program and perform community service through hard work, self sacrifice, dedication, and many years of service.
Silver Buffalo Award
The Silver Buffalo Award, created in 1925, is bestowed upon those who give truly noteworthy and extraordinary service to youth. This award, Scouting’s highest commendation, recognizes the invaluable contributions that outstanding American men and women render to youth. The service must be national in character and may or may not be directly connected with the BSA.
William T. Hornaday Awards
The goal of this awards program is to encourage and recognize outstanding efforts in natural resource conservation and environmental protection.
George Meany Award
In recognition of their contributions to America’s future, the AFL-CIO Executive Council established the George Meany Award. It recognizes union members—men and women—who have made a significant contribution to the youth of their communities by volunteering in the programs of the BSA. The award is named for the AFL-CIO’s first president, who gave strong support to Scouting over the years. Click here for the council nomination form .
Whitney M. Young Jr. Service Award
The purpose of the Whitney M. Young Jr. Service Award is to recognize outstanding services by an adult individual or organization for demonstrated involvement in the development and implementation of Scouting opportunities for youth from rural or low-income urban backgrounds—this is in fulfillment of Whitney Young’s dream of justice and equality for all. Click here for the nomination form .
Lifesaving or Meritorious Action Awards
Recognition may be given to a member of the Boy Scouts of America when he or she saved or attempted to save life under circumstances that indicate heroism and risk of his or her own life.
International Recognitions
Insignia and awards are available to show a Scout’s involvement in the world Scouting movement.
Religious Emblems
To encourage members to grow stronger in their faith, religious groups have developed religious emblems programs.
The Good Shepherd
The Good Shepherd Emblem is a national recognition for adults who have rendered outstanding service to Baptist youth through their church and a national youth-serving agency.
The St. George Emblem
The National Catholic Committee on Scouting awards this emblem to members of the laity and clergy who have made outstanding contributions to the spiritual development of Catholic youth in Scouting.
Shabbat Emblem
The Jewish Committee on Scouting offers a Scout Shabbat Emblem. Orders are be accepted until supplies run out.
The Shofar Award
The National Jewish Committee on Scouting established the Shofar Award to recognize outstanding service by adults in the promotion of Scouting among Jewish youth.
Woods Services Award
This award recognizes outstanding contributions to BSA members who have disabilities. Woods Services, founded in 1913 as The Woods Schools for Exceptional Children, is a nationally recognized leader in services for people with developmental disabilities, brain injury, and mental health diagnoses, serving 1,000 individuals annually. Click here for the council nomination form .
The Principles of Leave No Trace
Leave No Trace is an awareness of our impact on the environment that teaches us to respect the rights of other users of the outdoors as well as future generations.
¡Scouting … Vale la Pena! Service Award
The purpose of the ¡Scouting … Vale la Pena! Service Award is to recognize outstanding services by an adult individual or an organization for demonstrated involvement in the development and implementation of Scouting opportunities for Hispanic/Latino youth.