Camp Bowers to host International Camp Staffer
Meet Gabriel Tidestav who comes to us from Sweden this summer. He is a Challenger Scout in Scouterna, the Guides and Scouts Association of Sweden, and is looking forward to his first experience in America.
Gabriel has been a member of Scouting since he was 7 years old beginning as a Beaver Scout and working his way through the ranks where he is currently a Challenger Scout and assistant leader for the Beaver Scouts in his hometown. The thing he enjoys most about Scouting is being in the outdoors. He enjoys hiking in Sweden and has ascended the highest mountain in the country, Kebnekaise, which is about 2100 meters in height. Currently, Gabriel is studying natural sciences full time at Uppsala University where he hopes to earn a masters degree in Chemical Engineering.
Please join us in welcoming Gabriel to the United Sates and North Carolina.