Category: advancement

Membership Fee Increasing December 1

November 27th, 2017 by
Effective Dec. 1, 2017, the Boy Scouts of America membership fee will be $36 a year for all registered youth and adult members. Scouting remains an incredible value. Where else but in Scouting can young people acquire hands-on leadership skills, become more comfortable in nature, and learn to make ethical and moral decisions throughout their lives? Not bad for just $3.00 a month. As with every major decision affecting the BSA, this decision was made in concert with the volunteer-led national executive board of the BSA. This change will affect Cub Scout packs, Boy Scout troops, Venturing crews and Sea Scout ships. However, it ...
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Den Chief

April 7th, 2017 by
Who: Any Boy Scout interested in becoming a Den Chief When: September 30th, 2017 1:00 – 4:00pm Where: Camp Bowers               13165 NC HWY 53 W, White Oak, NC 28399 Cost: $30/Scout What is Provided? We will provide snacks and materials for all participants. What should I wear? Please arrive in a Boy Scouts Field Uniform (“Class A”) For More Information: Erik Hedblom – 910.632.4832 – [gravityform id="81" title="true" description="true"]
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Spring 2017 Merit Badge Classes

February 23rd, 2017 by
We have been hard at work over the past few months coordinating Merit badge classes for our Scouts.  See below for the list of classes: COIN COLLECTING MERIT BADGE Saturday, April 8, 2017 at the Azalea Festival Coin Show Elks Lodge 5201 Oleander Dr.  1:30 PM – 3:30 PM by a team of Boy Scout Merit Badge Counselors and several coin experts from the Lower Cape Fear Coin Club Requirements that will be covered in the clinic:  1, 2, 3, 4, 5a, and 8.    Scouts will need to complete the following before class:   5b (A link to an online magazine:, and it can ...
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Make Record Keeping Simple With These Tips

May 28th, 2016 by
Below are some tips from the Scouting Magazine Blog "Bryan on Scouting" to help you keep your records organized and your Unit's advancement tracking accurate. Take Charge “Our troop has an advancement chairman who is responsible for keeping all advancement records and keeping our Scouts advised on their status. Anyone charged with keeping advancement records should have a thorough grasp of the advancement guidelines of the BSA.” –Troop 76 Go Digital “I’ve been keeping records for a pack and a troop for 21 years now, so I’ve used several different methods. I started out with the printed record book from BSA and then, when I ...
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