Lumber River District

Serving Hoke, Scotland, and Robeson Counties

Follow us on Facebook for the most up-to-date district information

Held the third Wednesday of every month at Trinity United Methodist Church on Third Ave. in Red Springs, NC. Meeting starts at 6:30pm.
The mission of the Scouting America roundtable is to provide quality resources, knowledge, and skills to unit leaders to enable and motivate them to deliver an outstanding program to their Scout troops. Roundtables focus on program highlights for upcoming months, not on the current month.

Order of the Arrow Chapter Meetings:
These monthly meetings are held at the same time and location of Roundtable. If you are a member of this prestigious brotherhood, please plan on attending each month. These meetings help the Order of the Arrow plan ahead for Chapter activities as well as larger Lodge activites, such as Conclave or Fellowship Weekends.

District Key 3

District Chairman

Eddie Poole
District Commissioner
Jack Branch
District Executive