Trails End Popcorn & Whitley’s Peanuts | Fall Product Sale

NEW for 2024 !

  • Extra 5% for Units that Sell Over Goal – Any unit that has achieved their sales goal and continues to sell will receive an additional 5% on the sales over the goal.
  • Extra 5% for Units Attending Kickoffs  – Any Scout unit that attends the Fall Kickoff to the Whitley’s Peanut or Trails End Popcorn Sale, will receive an extra 5% just for attending this year! (30% commission for unit sales and an additional 5% for a total of 35% commission)
  • Share more stories of impact – This is much more than a fund-raiser… it is a life changer, and we want to hear and tell more stories about how this experience has changed and impacted the lives of our Scouts.


Key benefits about the Fall Product Sale:

  • We are selling “Scouting” and the many benefits that our program has to offer young people in our communities. We are NOT selling “Popcorn or Peanuts”.  This is an opportunity for our community to make a donation to Scouting and in return, we are giving them some popcorn. 
  • Scouting can be expensive and this sale provides an opportunity for parents to get help with the cost of the Scouting program for their child.
  • A Scout is Thrifty! If Scouts work hard in the Fall Sale, they will have paid their way through Scouting (and earned some great prizes along the way).  “Fund Your Adventure” and develop a great work ethic along the way.
  • It teaches goal setting, perseverance, builds confidence and enhances presentation skills; all attributes which are critical for Scouts, from class presentations to the college application/interview process and beyond.
  • It provides a substantial income to your unit and to the Cape Fear Council. Your Scout unit becomes a partner to the Cape Fear Council in making the Scouting program available to all young people in southeastern North Carolina.
  • It gives a parent in your unit the opportunity to become involved as the Sales Leader/Kernel. Cubmasters and Scoutmasters already have enough responsibility. Invite a parent to provide leadership to this great cause.


 2024 Fall Sales Schedule

June 4                        Wilmington Sneak Peek

June 6                        Lumberton Sneak Peek

July 15                        Unit Commitment Forms due

July 15                        Orders for Early Show-N-Sell due

August 1                    Early Show-N-Sell Pickup by Units

August 15                    Orders for Show-N-Sell due

September 3             Show-N-Sell Pickup by Units

Sept. 3-10                  Blitz Week (first week of sale)

September 30             Blitz Week Orders & Prize Forms Due

October 31                  Sale Officially Ends

October 31                  Popcorn & Peanut Order submitted online

November 14              Order Pickup by Units

December 2                 Final Payment due for 30% Commission

December TBD                Council Incentive Celebration @ Jungle Rapids

December TBD          Council Incentive Celebration, Basketball at UNCP

(must sell $750 to attend, please email us at by Dec. 1 if attending)

After Dec. 13              Unit Account Settlement 25% Commission


Important Resources

If you have additional questions about the Fall Product Sale, please contact your unit kernel or call Council Fall Product Sale Staff Advisor, Martin Clemmer at (910) 395-1100.

Trail’s End Unit Commitment Form 2024 (Click Here)

Whitley's Peanut Unit Commitment 2024

Unit Type(Required)