The 2020 NYLT course is full. Please complete the registration form below to be placed on the wait list.
- Payment in full is due by December 1, 2019 or you may forfeit your spot
- Request for reimbursement will be considered only if someone is able to fill your spot.
- Participant spots are reserved for Cape Fear Council Scouts until November 1, 2019. Then available spots, if any, will be open to out-of-council scouts.
- Out-of-council scouts may sign up and be placed on a waiting list prior to November 1, 2019. In the event there are no available spots as of November 1, 2019, a full refund will be provided.
- Registrants after December 1, 2019 are not guaranteed course items.
- By submitting this application online we certify that the scout has the scoutmaster’s recommendation/approval to take this course.
Early Bird Participant Fee – $195.00 if paid in full by or before 10/15/19;
Fee increases to $210.00 if paid in full after 10/15/19 but by 11/15/19; and
After 11/15/19, Fee increases to $225.00