National Resources

For a comprehensive list of resources, take a moment and visit ScoutScource.  Below are some helpful tools to get you started on your Scouting Trail.

NAYLE – National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience

Click here to download a brochure with details about the NAYLE program offered at Philmont Scout Ranch. N.A.Y.L.E. The new National Advanced…

National Youth Leadership Training
National Youth Leadership Training is an exciting, action-packed program designed for councils to provide youth members with leadership skills and…

Scouting’s Adventures for Older Boy Scouts

Patrol Plus
Patrols are the building blocks to a strong, well-run troop. To build up your troop, add a patrol or two, and…

Dozens of universities, BSA local councils, and religious, civic, and military organizations offer college scholarships to Eagle Scouts. Some…

Three Ways Your Council Can Utilize Varsity Scouting

Varsity Team Program