What to Expect For Webelos Woods
You can expect lots of fun, learning, and participating as a Boy Scout. This event was created to help ease the transition between Webelos and Boy Scouts, giving these boys a foundation of Scouting knowledge to build on. We have a ton of stuff planned for our Scouts and below is the Program Guide which will walk you through the entire program from Check-In to Check-Out.
Webelos will camp in assigned camp sites with host Boy Scout Troops who will introduce the Webelos to outdoor cooking, the patrol method, and how to set up a Boy Scout style campsite. During the day, our webelos will travel in patrols to various events covering team building, knots, fire building, first aid, and a team activity.
Parents are invited to watch as the Scouts participate in these events, or join our staff for some introductions to Boy Scout Camping, Youth Protection Guidelines, and fellowship.