What to Expect For Webelos Woods

beardboyYou can expect lots of fun, learning, and participating as a Boy Scout. This event was created to help ease the transition between Webelos and Boy Scouts, giving these boys a foundation of Scouting knowledge to build on. We have a ton of stuff planned for our Scouts and below is the Program Guide which will walk you through the entire program from Check-In to Check-Out.

Webelos will camp in assigned camp sites with host Boy Scout Troops who will introduce the Webelos to outdoor cooking, the patrol method, and how to set up a Boy Scout style campsite.  During the day, our webelos will travel in patrols to various events covering team building, knots, fire building, first aid, and a team activity.

Parents are invited to watch as the Scouts participate in these events, or join our staff for some introductions to Boy Scout Camping, Youth Protection Guidelines, and fellowship.

2017 webelos woods program guide

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