Camp Card Sale Ends
Cape Fear Council Scout Office PO Box 7156, Wilmington, NC, United StatesThis date brings an end to the annual Camp Card sale.
Camp Card Accounts Settled & Grand Prize Drawing
Cape Fear Council Scout Office PO Box 7156, Wilmington, NC, United StatesUnits accounts settled for 50% commission (after this date Units receive 30% commission). The Camp Card Grand Prize drawing will also take place.
Trails End Popcorn “Show & Deliver” Orders Due
Cape Fear Council Scout Office PO Box 7156, Wilmington, NC, United StatesShow & Deliver orders due to Scout Office.
Trails End Popcorn “Show & Deliver” Popcorn Pickup
Pick up your Trail's End "Show & Deliver" popcorn order.
Trail’s End Popcorn Sale & Blitz Week Begins
The Annual Trail's End Popcorn sale kicks off with Blitz Week. Seize the excitement to maximize your units sales and earn special prizes.
Trails End Popcorn Blitz Week Ends
This date marks the end of Blitz Week for popcorn orders
Trail’s End Popcorn Blitz Week Prize Orders Due
Be sure to turn in your Blitz Week prize orders on this day.
Trail’s End Popcorn Sale Ends
Cape Fear Council Scout Office PO Box 7156, Wilmington, NC, United StatesThis date marks the end of the Annual Trail's End Popcorn Sale
Trail’s End Popcorn & Prize Orders Due
Cape Fear Council Scout Office PO Box 7156, Wilmington, NC, United StatesPopcorn & Prize orders are due to the Council office on this date.
Trail’s End Popcorn Pick up
Pick up your popcorn on this date.
Trail’s End Popcorn Money Due
Cape Fear Council Scout Office PO Box 7156, Wilmington, NC, United StatesTurn in your popcorn money on this date to receive full commission. After this date commission for the sale is reduced.
Refund Policy Fees are generally not refundable; however they are transferable to other Scouts in the same unit. Full refunds will only be considered if requested in writing using the Activity Transfer/Refund Request Form a minimum of two weeks prior to the start of Council organized activity (cub camp, merit badge days, jamboree, Philmont, etc.) and are subject to approval by the Council Camping Committee.
Partial refunds may be given for later requests due to emergencies, medical situations or mandatory summer school. Requests for partial refunds must be received in writing by the Program Director no later than 10 days after the conclusion of activity and will be reviewed by the Council Camping Committee. Notify the Program Director immediately if a Scout may not attend activity due to illness, injury or a personal issue.
All requests for refunds must be submitted in writing and mailed to the Council Service Center attention Program Director or emailed to Attention: Activity Transfer/Refund Request. Please include how the check should be made out, who it is to be mailed to, and all pertinent information in relation to the reason for the refund.